The Construction Committee was busy back on the greens in the first week of 2020.
The Committee was at the club to meet up with Vortech Plumbing technicians who were on site at 8:30 AM to provide pipe inspection services at CLBC. Using a video camera on a tether, both the North and South headers of the greens drainage system were inspected with a short portion of the East (club house side) lateral.

Interesting Fact - Most of the drainage system is located between 17 to 19 inches below the surface of the greens.
In discussion with Vortech personal on site, it was suggested that each north-south running lateral have a cleanout constructed to facilitate future line cleaning and inspection. It was advised that the cleanout use two 45° elbows rather than one 90° bend to allow easier access for inspection cameras. Since the South header is only 3’ north of the plinth, it is recommended that it be exposed during excavation for the new plinth/backboard and the new cleanouts be placed in the grass between the backboard and sidewalk. These locations are also closer to both the water and power required for flushing and inspection.