Another good day with lots done.
Club members did all the work today. Thanks to Douglas Ford, Roy Pritchard, Bill Younger, Steve Lundahl , Jim Irvine and Jeanne Aten - we managed to get all the footings framed, staked and leveled by 3:00 pm. Hopefully tomorrow we can get the rebar in and then the footings are ready for pouring the cement.
How times have changed as we age. When I was a young lad working in construction, the team would sit around at break talking about our favourite beers and what bars we planned on hitting on the weekend. Today at break, we talked about what our favourite Ibuprofen brands are, how big of a package we buy and where we like to buy it.
Yes, getting old does sometime have drawbacks. But, according to Ingrid Bergman, “Getting old is like climbing a mountain; you get a little out of breath, but the view is much better!”

Below is the gardens to the east of the clubhouse. The pile of topsoil needs to be spread to prepare the surface for grass seeding. If your looking for something to do, we could use the help spreading the soil.

Good work! Form building takes a lot of work and measuring. Sending you all a virtual chocolate chip cookie!
Wow! looks like you guys are doing a great job.