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Nearing the Finish Line

With the completion of the cement work, our list is getting short enough that we can see the end of the project. Our hope is to finish up and have the shed ready for painting by the end of next week.

This time around, we used a pump truck to do the cement work. Definitely easier than using wheel barrels.

It was a tight squeeze, but the team from Surespan made it look real easy. This is a heavy piece of equipment that can do some serious damage or injury if mishandled. Even though they make it look easy, these guys are taking all the right precautions and making safety their first priority. Professionals!

We had to erect a tent to keep the rain off the cement. Andy from Island Irrigation showed us how it was done. Having the tent in place takes the weather element out of the equation for things that can go wrong.

Chris and the team from Coastal Concrete made quick work of the project. Every step of the way they were thinking about the importance of making a walkway and entrance into the building safer and easier for our club members.

As the saying goes, "when you have the right tool!" It took less than a couple of hours before two full loads of cement was in place ready for troweling.

The last of the cement goes in.

Done the pour. Now comes the finishing work.

Below, Chris from Coastal Concrete is taking care to make sure the surface is smooth and groves are added to take away water and rain. Thanks Chris!

And Dave B. stopped by to do some work on the green. Dave drops by most days throughout the week. He is pretty busy at the golf course these days. But, Dave wanted to get the fertilizer down ahead of the forecasted rain. He plans on taking another run at fertilizing in a couple of weeks. It won't be long now till we get to try out all the new projects that many volunteers have spent a lot of time on over the last year.

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2 comentarios

21 mar 2021

Looks really good!

Me gusta

19 mar 2021

An awesome job...kudos especially to the faithful group of volunteers who have committed so much time and given us a wonderful building.

Words are inadequate to truly relay our gratitude...hopefully soon we can celebrate you in person at the club


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