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Grand Opening of the New Green

On May 1, 2022 our new green was officially opened. Our president, Tim Stevens, gave a speech in which he thanked the many people responsible for the rebuilding of the green, such as Dennis and Andy Cage from Island Irrigation, Brent Anderson from Superior Excavating Ltd., Dave Brummitt, our green's advisor, The City of Duncan, Surespan Ready-Mix Ltd., GFL Environmental Inc., the BC Community Gaming Grant, The Duncan Sportsplex, Duncan Manor, and the CLBC members who donated hundreds of hours and many dollars to this project. Mayor Michelle Staples responded that she is happy to see our club doing so well and that our club adds a good feeling to Centennial Park. President Stevens and Mayor Staples proceeded to a ribbon cutting ceremony and club members and guests headed out to the green to bowl. Tim showed Michelle how to bowl, (Tim - Does she have the correct foot forward?), including how to rake the bowls after an end. In the afternoon, the club was open to the public and 38 people came out to try bowling.

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